Full Service Marketing for Higher Education & Healthcare


2013-2023: The Digital Shift

Bill Stamats

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Stamats is no stranger to adapting to changing trends. The last decade brought many twists and turns both internally and externally from strategic business decisions and digital transformations to pivoting in a global pandemic.  

One thing remains—Stamats’ dedication to providing impactful, creative services to its clients no matter the platform. 

Making the Right Moves

Traditional print outreach and advertising were declining, and the world was shifting to new and emerging digital communication technology. Not only were the communication platforms shifting but now jobs and responsibilities had to morph.  

Stamats looked for new methods to better serve colleges and universities. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve, we underwent a significant digital transformation.  

In 2014, Stamats acquired the established brand strategy company, The Thorburn Group. To this day, we continue to bring creative, customized, and thoughtful strategy to each client we serve. 

“We went from being a print-centric company with a lot of the products and offerings in the markets that we served to becoming digitally centric,” said Stamats President and CEO, Peter Stamats. “We found ourselves transitioning our staff and retooling.”  

Stamats has found ways and opportunities to expand its reach to help connect more companies to their audiences. We launched Audativ, the audience management services, and tools to help other publishers, as well as branching out into the healthcare industry. 

Staying Nimble Through the Unknown

Towards the end of the decade, Stamats had to navigate a different kind of transformation–one that no one saw coming and disrupted the whole world and how we operate. COVID-19. 

But working in disparate teams was not new news for us; Stamats was well-versed in the remote, results-focused working style. The president himself had been working remotely for years before the pandemic. “The pandemic proved to all of us that we can work remotely. And that we kind of like it,” said Stamats. 

Trends and technology will continue to change but you can expect Stamats to hold true to its founding values of providing high-quality, creative services to our customers for the next 100 years.

Learn more about Stamats’ 100-year celebration.

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