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How to Create Successful News Stories for Your Organization

Stamats Insights

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You know your organization has unique stories and people that should be highlighted and shared. The challenge, in this age of information overload and seemingly infinite choice, is standing out to effectively deliver news to the right audiences.

After all, it takes a long time to create great news stories. You want to optimize that investment and product into something people are excited to see.  Find the unique news that helps your institution or organization stand out and differentiate itself. Generate that FOMO – fear of missing out – with your content through storytelling.

Digital Strategies for Successful News Stories

Learn how to bring your organizations’ stories to your audience with the Stamats whitepaper, “Digital Strategies for Successful News Stories.” In it, we dive into the following topics, providing you the guidance and information to begin and expand your storytelling strategy.

Plan for effective news stories. 

Focus on the storytelling aspect of the news with information readers can’t find anywhere else. Provide a mix of timely and evergreen stories.

Make recurring events or topics unique. 

What’s original or different this time than any other when it’s covered? That’s the story. Don’t forget to link related or past events to this content to keep the reader engaged.

React to emerging and evolving stories. 

Have a plan in place for how to handle breaking news. Time matters and being first can help you win the web content game. Make it clear the information is new, developing, or when it was or will be updated.

Create content with the web in mind. 

Create different – or multiple – forms of content for the story. An interview can be turned into an article and a podcast. Grab still images from a video for social media. Follow digital best practices through your institutions voice and style, making content easy for mobile users to consume, and adding relevant keywords.

Know when to archive news.

There might come a time it makes sense to clean up your news section, and archive some of your stories. Conduct a content audit and create a plan for the content and URLs.

Showcase Your Stories: Stamats Can Help

Certainly, everyone has a story to tell, the key is finding the unique, individual stories to showcase. Download “Digital Strategies for Successful News Stories” now to begin.

At Stamats, we know writing. Our award-winning writing staff includes former journalists trained to spot and respond to breaking and emerging news. Our writing staff works alongside a digital team of strategists certified on multiple platforms to ensure we are infusing data and analytics into our content practice.

We solve clients challenges by providing various writing services and training, including workshops on writing for the web, Rapid News Response writing, blogging, social media and more. Email us to schedule a free strategy session.

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to us to talk about your strategy and goals.

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