Full Service Marketing for Higher Education & Healthcare


Program Decision Tree: A Tool to Select the Appropriate Digital Strategy

Sandra Fancher

Sandra Fancher

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Most colleges and universities have multiple programs competing for new students. As a marketing team, it can be hard to know where to allocate funds. Decision trees are an effective tool for you and your internal clients to visualize your options. 

Remember that your goals should come first. The decision tree is a tool to keep everyone on track and minimize emotional decision making.

How to use the tool:

  1. Download a free copy in PDF form.
  2. Customize any workflow areas as needed.
  3. Meet with each program/department/client requesting program support or a digital marketing campaign.
  4. Walk through the questions for each unique program.
Decision tree for selecting digital strategy

Helpful links

Interested in more information on the decision tree path?

  • Micro-credentials—A possible offering when you have tenured faculty but not enough capacity.
  • Market analysis—Not sure if there is capacity or demand?
  • Thought leadership—Interested in ways to advance your brand, the program reputation, or key leaders?

Have more questions for us? Email me to start a conversation.

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