The Death of the Third-Party Cookie: How Will This Change Affect Your Digital Marketing?
September 22, 2022 at 12PM CDT

What is a third-party cookie? Why is it dying? Can we have privacy-safe web browsing and successful digital marketing at the same time? Why am I suddenly hungry?
Get the cookie-centric answers you crave in this digital marketing webinar. We’ll help you separate facts from hype and provide need-to-know information about:
- What tracking cookies are
- The differences between a first- and third-party cookie
- How your go-to-market strategy must shift in the drive toward improved internet privacy
The webinar will start by framing the disruption about to take place and finish with an example opportunity that can benefit almost any internet marketing team. Join this webinar if you are a:
Who should attend?
- Digital marketer
- Advertiser who works with digital marketing vendors
- Stakeholder invested in advertising outcomes
About the Author

Stu Eddins
Stu leads a team of digital marketing and analytics professionals that provides strategic support to higher education clients striving to increase awareness and demand generation for their brands and their programs. He brings decades of digital marketing expertise, having led enterprise initiatives in industries such as healthcare, higher education, ecommerce, and manufacturing.
He is Google Ads, Analytics, and Tag Manager certified and is completing Basis by Centro and Marketo certification. Stu uses his background in sales, customer service, analytics, and marketing to plan and implement successful campaigns that address overarching strategic goals and outcomes with data-driven tactics.